Teachers nowdays are facing a lot of confrontation from their students. Students have started challenging the authority of the teachers very often in the class.The tougher the teacher is on her first offenders, the better the student behaviour would be in the future.The students need to be taught their boundaries as the very foundation of learning depends on the discipline in the class. If one ignores the act requiring disciplinary action, the students gets the message of acceptability of the bad behaviour. Teachers need to know the skills of disciplining the students. Students need to learn the value of discipline if we are looking for a healthy society. Merely knowing the subject well is not enough for the teacher. She is also to know how to assert her authority in front of the children. If the teacher cannot control the class, she is doing harm to the students who are eager to learn but cannot because of the disturbing class environment. Students often misbehave in the class to get the attention of the teacher & the yelling by teacher worsens the situation. The few tips for the teacher to manage her class better are
1)Assert your authority well: _When an important rule is broken , the consequences must follow. The punishment should fit the crime. Teacher should be vigilant to the class- talks going on in her class. She must find out the problem that students ar e facing. She can call the student individually & talk to her/him away from the class. Confronting him in the class is not going to solve her problem. She can call the child to sit in front of her or if possible can go to the desk of the child. She should also talk of her feelings after the bad behaviour with the class but not withhold the grudges for long. If the teacher loses her temper in class, she need not be apologetic to the class. Let the students feel guilty & things will gradually improve. .School should provide support to the teacher who is interested in instilling discipline in her students. .
2) Get the class attentive first before you start to teach :-Give students five minutes to settle & be firm that you will start your lessons only when the class is settled. Start your lesson in a normal voice. Motivate the students that if they finish work on time, they will have last five minutes for chatting. But be firm on your rule.
3)Making few rounds in the class-Make rounds while invigilating or given an assignment to the students in the class. Individualized instructions may also follow.
4) Be a good Role -Model- Students are good observers. It is rightly said that “Actions speak louder than the words.”Values are to be caught & not to be taught.”You need to be disciplined, courteous,focussed to instill the same in students.
5) Update yourself with Technology- Students can be made toi learn in a very interesting, innovative ways with the help of the technology & other teaching methodologies like Story telling/ poems/ Role-play/ Group work etc. Tecachers should use variety of methodogies to impart her instructions & she should get all support from school to use her talent.
6)Prevention is better than cure- Schools should organize sessions of counselling in anticipation of the problems to handle the things better before it is late. Counseling needs to be given its due importance in schools.
7)Assertive Discipline-Balance approach between the rewards & punishment is the need of the hour. No hollow threats. Rules should be clearly stated & enforced.
8)Rapport forming by the teacher- A student feels happy by small steps the teachers take like calling the child by her/ his personal name or praising the child for the good efforts or good conduct. Only rewarding good marks is not going to create good conduct.
9)Use of Positive Peer Pressure-There are students in the class who are highly motivated to learn, are disciplined & practice good values should be encouraged to form Positive Peer Pressure to control the group with negative peers.
10)Guidance & motivation of teachers as well as students- It is high time.! Counseling services need to play its vital role.”Every eagle needs a Push.” So does every teacher .Words of praise for good efforts on the part of the authorities can make all the difference & counselor should be involved to impart counseling from time to time to teachers & parents as well.
11)Direct appeal from the teacher—A teacher who has a good rapport with her students can make students understand the value of Discipline by being straight forward with them on the issues.
1)Assert your authority well: _When an important rule is broken , the consequences must follow. The punishment should fit the crime. Teacher should be vigilant to the class- talks going on in her class. She must find out the problem that students ar e facing. She can call the student individually & talk to her/him away from the class. Confronting him in the class is not going to solve her problem. She can call the child to sit in front of her or if possible can go to the desk of the child. She should also talk of her feelings after the bad behaviour with the class but not withhold the grudges for long. If the teacher loses her temper in class, she need not be apologetic to the class. Let the students feel guilty & things will gradually improve. .School should provide support to the teacher who is interested in instilling discipline in her students. .
2) Get the class attentive first before you start to teach :-Give students five minutes to settle & be firm that you will start your lessons only when the class is settled. Start your lesson in a normal voice. Motivate the students that if they finish work on time, they will have last five minutes for chatting. But be firm on your rule.
3)Making few rounds in the class-Make rounds while invigilating or given an assignment to the students in the class. Individualized instructions may also follow.
4) Be a good Role -Model- Students are good observers. It is rightly said that “Actions speak louder than the words.”Values are to be caught & not to be taught.”You need to be disciplined, courteous,focussed to instill the same in students.
5) Update yourself with Technology- Students can be made toi learn in a very interesting, innovative ways with the help of the technology & other teaching methodologies like Story telling/ poems/ Role-play/ Group work etc. Tecachers should use variety of methodogies to impart her instructions & she should get all support from school to use her talent.
6)Prevention is better than cure- Schools should organize sessions of counselling in anticipation of the problems to handle the things better before it is late. Counseling needs to be given its due importance in schools.
7)Assertive Discipline-Balance approach between the rewards & punishment is the need of the hour. No hollow threats. Rules should be clearly stated & enforced.
8)Rapport forming by the teacher- A student feels happy by small steps the teachers take like calling the child by her/ his personal name or praising the child for the good efforts or good conduct. Only rewarding good marks is not going to create good conduct.
9)Use of Positive Peer Pressure-There are students in the class who are highly motivated to learn, are disciplined & practice good values should be encouraged to form Positive Peer Pressure to control the group with negative peers.
10)Guidance & motivation of teachers as well as students- It is high time.! Counseling services need to play its vital role.”Every eagle needs a Push.” So does every teacher .Words of praise for good efforts on the part of the authorities can make all the difference & counselor should be involved to impart counseling from time to time to teachers & parents as well.
11)Direct appeal from the teacher—A teacher who has a good rapport with her students can make students understand the value of Discipline by being straight forward with them on the issues.